Humanitarian Student Scholarship Offered by Alcohol Services

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Individuals suffering from addiction often have to realize that they need help to detox from their addiction. There are varying levels of addiction. Some people become casually addicted to things. This means they realize there is a routine, perhaps every weekend they go out drinking with friends but they refuse to partake during the week so that their drinking doesn't interfere with their work and home life. Others recreationally use drugs but not often. Once people realize that these behaviors are unhealthy they make a decision to quit. Quitting either works or it does not work. These people do not have to go through a true detox, they need to learn how to break a pattern and thrive once it is broken. Often times support groups or online help lines can help with this type of addiction.

Medically Assisted Detox

The other type of addiction that people absolutely need help to break is the type that requires medical detox. When someone is so addicted to a substance that their life revolves around it, they most likely will not be able to quit without help. The help that these individuals receive is not as simple as a support group or a phone call. This is the type of help that required medical monitoring due to potential withdrawal effects from the detox.

What Type Of Symptoms Can Individuals Suffer From When Going Through A Medically Assisted Detox?

  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Spiking Blood Pressure
  • Heart Attack
  • Vomiting
  • Migraines

Why Supervise Detox?

When someone decides to get help and go through a substance abuse detox they often need medical assistance so that their vitals can be monitored. In some cases IV's must be administered and other medications must be given to keep the bottle stable through the detox. Doctors and addiction specialists know how to properly monitor and chart a persons progress through their detox. They also know what foods and nutrients people need when they going through the process. Their body can feel depleted and their well-being will be completely compromised. In most cases they are physically torn down before they can be rebuilt. They are eliminating all of the toxins from their system and learning how to live without those addictions again.

After A Medical Detox

After a person is medically detoxed they can't simply just walk away from a treatment center and expect to be right as rain. Overcoming addiction takes a long time and in some cases can be a lifelong commitment to sobriety. After they have been cleared medically and have received all of the medical treatment necessary to complete the physical detox they must then detox their way of life and their well-being. Those overcoming addiction will need to consider a addiction compound where they can live with others that are also over-coming addiction and have therapists on hand to help them through their sobriety. If they cannot live in a rehab facility they will then need to immediately work closely with local councilors and join recovering addiction groups to keep track of their progress.

By constantly reaching out to those who can help you over come an addiction you will be able to have a support system to fall back on if the urge to indulge again ever happens. It is important to have people and group support that you can trust and call. These people will help talk you through your addiction and maintain your sobriety. Staying dedicated to your well-being and sober life will help you live a longer and well balanced existence.

Scholarship Details

To help address this immense problem, Alcohol Services is sponsoring  two $1,000 a student scholarship awards.  To qualify for consideration, the applicants must be currently attending undergraduate or graduate programs. The awards are available (1) for spring of 2021 and (1) for summer of 2021. For  more detail, or to apply for this award, visit

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